What is

Mental Health?

We believe everyone deserves to know what we know about mental health.

Healthy Thinking creates resources that your students and patients will actually use and understand.

Join us in empowering people to be the best they can be.

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We are still working on our website so please check back soon to see what’s new

Knowledge is power

With mental illness on the rise, the need for Healthy Thinking has never been greater. 

1 in 5

Adults have a mental health problem in the USA.

43 million

Americans read or write at a 3rd grade level or lower.


of adults in the U.S.A read at 6th grade level or below.

11 years

the average time it takes for people to get help for a mental health problem.

Our Solution

There is no quick fix for mental illness in America but we know it will take a multifaceted approach. Healthy Thinking is currently developing different methods of delivering mental health education to our communities.


Materials in hospitals & doctors offices.

Online Learning



Materials in schools & daycare centers

Unfortunately we don't get tons of time one on one with parents for teaching. We really rely on the papers we give them and hope they will call [the office ] if they don't understand it.

-Jennifer, Discharge Planner.

Our Goal

Mental health made easy.

   We have searched high and low for educational pamphlets and brochures to send home with patients and families leaving mental health hospitals and clinics.  Most of the options we found were written using technical or scientific language. Many were too confusing,  brand specific or even diagnosis specific only causing more confusion.  We have set out to make our own educational resources that are simple and understandable so more communities, and more ages, from preteens to seniors ,can take the best care of their mental health.